Hello Zdrasti Buon Giorno Aloha Merhaba Bom Dia Namaste Hola Guten Tag Bore Da Konnichiwa Buna Ziua Ave Hi God Dag Ni Hao Paivaa Salve Howdy Geia Shalom Zdravstvuite Bonjour Nazdar Szia Kaixo Bongu Sallam Chao ong Hej Marsha Woghiila Madainn Mhath Keshi Czolem Fofo Hau Maido Sael
David Konstantin Yurekchiev Dryden was born at 3:42 AM October 18th 2007. Weighing 3466 grams (7 lbs 10 Oz) and Length 53 cm (21 in) as a healthy baby boy with a full head of hair. He cried joyously on arrival without prompting and has adapted superbly to life in the atmosphere at 2400 meters. Martin David Dryden and Teodora Svetoslavova Yurekchieva Dryden request that you sign his online guestbook with any words you care to write honoring the birth of this new star in Santa Fe, New Mexico USA. All languages encouraged!